VOXEA is renowned for its fast information service, expert examiners, warm welcome and wide choice of dates, ensuring a worry-free experience for candidates taking the fide test in Lausanne on our premises.


Your language passport

fide lausanne

The fide test(Français, Italiano, Deutsch En Suisse) is a language test that separately verifies and certifies oral and written language skills, and is recognized for immigration and naturalization procedures.

Candidates register at an accredited center and take the oral test a few days before the written test. The tests are then sent for correction to the fide Secretariat in Berne, which then issues a “language passport” certifying the candidate’s level.

The State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) recommends this test as part of the naturalization procedure and for obtaining a residence or settlement permit. It is also possible to have your language certificates recognized through the “dossier fide” procedure.

Test d'évaluation fide - FRENCH

Oral in Lausanne

The fide-test (oral) is divided into two parts: "Speaking" and "Understanding."

For the “Speaking” section, two levels are assessed in each case. We start with tasks to assess A2 level, then, depending on performance, we move towards either A1 or B1 level.

In the “Understanding” section, two levels are assessed, the same as in the “Speaking” section.

Evaluation session, oral part: 
Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning.

Price: CHF 170.- (20 minutes  part  Talk  + 20 minutes part  Understanding )
Registration and information: 
021 627 70 70 or

Oral + Written in Lausanne

The fide-test (oral + written) is divided into two parts: "Speaking and Understanding" and "Reading and Writing."

Oral and written skills are assessed separately and can take place on two different days during the same week.

Evaluation session, oral part: Wednesday afternoon until early evening or on Saturday morning.

Evaluation session, written part: 
Saturday afternoon.

Price: CHF 250 (40 minutes + 60 minutes with an introduction approx. 15 minutes beforehand)

Registration and information: 
021 627 70 70 or

Written in Lausanne

The fide-test (written) is divided into two parts: "Reading" and "Writing."

Each participant completes tasks covering two levels, either A1-A2 or A2-B1.

Unlike level tests, where all the tasks correspond to a target level, in the fide test, the tasks are designed in a progressive manner, i.e. that for the A1-A2 level, for example, the first reading and writing tasks are in the lower half of the A1 level and become progressively more difficult, right up to the last task, which is in the highest part of the A2 level.

Evaluation session, written part:   Saturday afternoon.

Price: CHF 120 (introduction approx. 15 minutes + 60 minutes)

Registration and information: 
021 627 70 70 or


We offer a complete course to help you pass the test with confidence!


Your advantages with VOXEA

VOXEA is a language school rooted in the international community in the heart of Lausanne. With over fifty years’ experience in language teachingOur positive reputation helps to reassure candidates about the quality and reliability of our fide testing services. The rigorous organization of our center ensures that the test takes place under optimum conditions.

Our examiners are highly qualified, guaranteeing a fair and accurate assessment of candidates’ language skills. A detailed explanation of procedures is provided before the start of the test, ensuring that candidates understand what is expected, and enabling them to best demonstrate their skills and progress.


VOXEA supports you

Prepare for and pass your fide exam in Lausanne with VOXEA. Benefit from our expertise, qualified examiners, process knowledge and strategic location in the heart of the city.


What you need to know

The fide test begins with an official convocation. Depending on the type of license applied for or to be renewed, the candidate will have to take an oral or written test, or both, at an accredited center. The oral test, which precedes the written test, lasts 40 minutes, divided into two 20-minute parts.

At VOXEA, the oral test can be taken on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings. The written test lasts one hour, preceded by a 15-minute presentation. This written test can be taken on Saturday afternoons only at 2pm. At the end of the test, the papers are sent for correction to the fide Secretariat in Bern, which sends the language passport directly to the candidates.

Frequently asked questions

In principle, all recognized language certificates and language passports are valid for life. If a certificate is several years old and the authorities have doubts about the current language level, you may be asked to undergo a new assessment.

It can take up to four weeks before you receive your results. Unfortunately, the fide secretariat cannot speed up this process. You can request an extension from your local authority, the relevant cantonal authority or the State Secretariat for Migration.

In principle, course certificates are not language certificates and are therefore not recognized as language certificates. Depending on your level, you can take a fide test or a language certificate recognized by the SEM. The “dossier fide” procedure also allows you to have your language skills assessed at B1 level.

The fide test (Français, Italiano, Deutsch) assesses your ability to speak, understand, read and write one of Switzerland’s three national languages. It is organized by the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) in several centers, including Lausanne Centre.

In certain situations, passing this test is a prerequisite for obtaining or renewing a residence permit in Switzerland. This is the case for :

  • foreign spouses of Swiss citizens or holders of a permanent residence permit
  • holders of a residence permit requesting an extension
  • foreign children over the age of 12 joining their parents in Switzerland

The fide test verifies that you have a minimum level of proficiency in the national language spoken in your place of residence, to facilitate your integration and everyday life in Switzerland.

Passing this official test proves your basic language skills for :

  • Communicate and interact in simple situations
  • Understand and make yourself understood at work and with the administration
  • Understand the general meaning of exchanges between native speakers
  • Read and understand current information

At Voxea, we prepare you specifically for the fide test in order to meet SEM requirements and guarantee your success in this evaluation. Our approach combines targeted training and simulations of real exam situations to give you confidence. Join our fide courses in Lausanne to get the information and skills you need!

Please send an e-mail to You can order a new language passport for CHF 20.

fide-accredited examination centers offer participants with disabilities such as visual, hearing, reading or writing impairments, etc. individual examination conditions. Communicate your disability at the time of registration and specify any aids or special conditions required with the fide-accredited examination center. Submit a medical certificate: the certificate must not be more than two years old and must describe the disability in one of the following languages: French, German, Italian or English.

Please send an e-mail to describing the error and giving your correct details. You can also send a photo of your language passport and identity card for comparison.

No. For data protection reasons, language passports cannot be sent by e-mail.


We’ll be happy to provide you with detailed information tailored to your specific needs.

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