Unlike brand-based communication, corporate communication is not concerned with promoting products and services; it’s the organization itself that is promoted.
VOXEA offers three comprehensive corporate communications training modules, covering all aspects of corporate communications on social networks, media relations management and press release writing.
The Corporate Communication training modules are generally aimed at a wide range of professionals, SME managers, start-ups and organizations looking to improve or modernize their communication practices.
Benefit from personalized, interactive learning thanks to small groups and highly qualified trainers in the field to update your skills and optimize your visibility. This training course will help you clarify your corporate communications objectives and learn how to develop, plan and deploy a comprehensive and effective strategy.
Our courses are aimed at professionals wishing to update their skills and boost their internal communications, as well as start-ups and SMEs, associations, freelancers and public authorities wishing to optimize their visibility and impact.
Given the complexity of today’s organizational issues, communicating with the media and on social networks has become an unavoidable imperative for all companies and communities, and not just the largest.
This training course, tailored to small and medium-sized companies, associations and public authorities in French-speaking Switzerland and throughout Switzerland, will give you the keys to designing a genuine communications strategy while taking into account your human and financial resource limitations.
The aim is to provide the tools needed to manage the different types of public relations intervention and the means of internal and external communication in real-life situations.
It is essential for strengthening an organization’s online presence, establishing credibility, creating a dialogue with the public and enhancing reputation and visibility.
The course lasts two days, enabling participants to acquire in-depth knowledge in a minimum of time, through theoretical input, practical exercises, real-life case analysis and role-playing.
Yes, there are no prerequisites for this course, which is designed to be accessible to all skill levels.
Corporate communication covers all the communication actions carried out by an organization to promote its image and projects, and to build relationships of trust with its audiences. It is structured around 3 main aspects.
The strategy defines the fundamental orientations, objectives, tone of messages and targets based on the challenges and needs of the institution. Drawing up these guiding principles requires a clear understanding of management’s expectations and vision, the environment, and the possibilities for action. The communications manager translates them into a coherent communications plan: what messages? On which channels? With what resources? When?
Through its speeches, visual identity and publications, the company provides information and clarifies its activities to give meaning to its social role. This construction of meaning nourishes its reputation and inspires confidence among its stakeholders. It involves the judicious use of the media, social networks and, where appropriate, advertising, as part of a qualitative press relations approach.
To cultivate its legitimacy and credibility, the institution must constantly ensure that its actual and projected identities are in harmony. In the digital age, e-reputation becomes strategic: how is it perceived online? What conversations concern her? It’s an ongoing process to establish your image over the long term.
Our professional training course provides you with all the knowledge you need to understand these aspects of corporate communication and successfully carry out projects within public or private organizations. Join us at the start of the next session!
We’ll be happy to provide you with detailed information tailored to your specific needs.
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"VOXEA - Your partner for effective and committed global communication.